Gaming is one of my most expensive hobbies. Every year, I buy at least three games on release date because my anticipation for them is just too great and I can’t wait to dive into a new story. Fortunately, games themselves haven’t changes costs in almost a decade, sticking at the $59.99 retail price and sometimes less.
Until now, I’ve relied on Amazon to run a preorder bonus in order to make the most of my purchase because – if you know me at all – you know I love a good deal.
All of that is set to change as Best Buy announced an update to their Gamers Club Unlocked program today.
What’s Changing

Previously, Best Buy’s pay-to-save subscription has costed you $100 for two years of service, but beginning March 8, that price will drop to only $30. Meanwhile, the benefits are not changing. Members will still receive:
- 20% off new physical games
- $10 worth of My Best Buy points when you preorder any game
- 10% off preo-owned games
- 10% bonus trade in credit
- 2x the My Best Buy points for every dollar spent on games and accessories
- 2x the My Best Buy points for every dollar of games traded in
All of that, plus you’ll receive special offers and a welcome kits with additional coupons.
It’s not a bad deal, but does it really save you money?
Let’s Do Some Math
For the sake of my sanity and because my mental math skills are lacking these days, let’s round the cost of a new game to $60. That means there’s a savings of $12 on every game. So with the purchase of three games in two years, you’ve already made back your membership fee.
But way, we haven’t taken into account the $10 preorder bonus. If you preorder each game, you end up coming out $22 ahead. (Remember the $10 is in My Best Buy points, so you can use it in the future, but not on the initial purchase.) So with only one game purchase, you’ve almost entirely made up the cost for a two-year membership. Not bad.
More Ways to Save
I mentioned that I love a good deal, so I’d be remiss to not let you in on one other secret, though it’s a bit more controversial depending on your theology towards credit cards.
Best Buy also offers a credit card through Citi Bank that allows you to earn 5% back on every purchase. This comes back to you again as My Best Buy points which you can turn into certificates for future purchases, so it still adds up and helps you out in the long run.
There are other tricks to save even more such as SwagBucks which will offer you one point for every dollar you spend at
Is It Worth It?
I’m signing up for sure. I’ve already charted out the games over the coming months that I’ll be able to save one and I know I come out ahead in the deal. That’s more than enough to get me to start purchasing my games at Best Buy.
So what do you think? Is it worth $30 every two years? How many new games do you buy? Are you more into used games? (My OCD doesn’t allow for that option, but that’s a whole other topic.)
Feel free to discuss in the comments below.