“Tomorrow is like the first blank page of a [366] page book. Write a good one.”

– Brad Paisley

After launching this blog in 2014, I was deadset on maintaining it with new content. While the reality of that quickly waned, my intentions did not.

And so I spent time leading up to the new year thinking of how I could continually post new content. In doing so, I began to realize what my hindrances were to start with.

#1. The biggest one was my laziness. I didn’t commit to spending the time necessary to create new content on a regular basis.

#2. Next was my unwillingness to commit to a schedule. I should have known better about this one, since I’m committed to a content schedule at work. Thankfully, this is an easy fix as there are these things called calendars.

#3. Timeliness was my next hurdle. I often felt that I missed my window of opportunity to share my thoughts on a specific topic. Thanks to some good counsel, I realized that this shouldn’t be a factor at all. If it took me longer to play a game than main stream outlets, I could still review it. If I watched a movie for the first time, decades after it came out, I could still comment on it. Media is a vast continuum and you can jump in at any point.

The Journey Into 2016

So where does that leave us as we enter the new year. Well… to start, I’m giving myself the goal of posting each week, usually on Fridays. Sometimes, the posts will be short; other times, they’ll be longer pieces. Further, I’m going to attempt a variety of posts: reviews, social commentary, highlights from pop culture.

And there it is. That’s the plan as we launch 2016, and perhaps the most inspiring thing I’ve ever posted, right?

Your Turn

To finish up, I’d love to hear things you’d be interested in hearing about. What topics or pieces of media do you want to read about? What parts of your life could be expounded upon?

Leave some ideas in the comments. I can’t commit to each and every one (I know there will be loads), but I’ll do what I can and I’d appreciate the feedback.

Now, let’s raise our glasses. Here’s to a great year!

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